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Old Licking County Jail - Newark OH Real Haunted Place

  • 46 South 3rd Street
  • Newark, OH
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The gothic architechure adds to the ghoulish appeal of this 130-year-old jail where 14 people are known to have died, six by suicide. The haunted history of the jail is marked by the murder of Carl Etherington, a dry-agent who was being held in the jail for his own safety from a lynch mob. The crowd broke down on the the gates, and stormed the jail. Etherington was beaten to death by a hammer. According to local folklore, more than 5,000 people came to see his body, which had been dragged from the jail and tied to a utility pole. Invesgitators have captured videos of entites following them in hallways, and in the basement.
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  • Thanks

    Awesome thank you the haunted jail is so cool.

    Posted 11/1/18

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  • Jail of Terror is a joke.

    I have ghost hunted at the jail for a while with a certain group. Ever since the Jail of Terror started the spirit activity has spiked and not in a good way. Due to the Jail or Terror cutting holes in cell walls and reconstructing things in the jail the spirits have grown mad. I loved the jail before all the "Jail of Terror" stuff happened but now it's just sad. It's been made like a joke. Like there's actually no spirits in it. It's not historical anymore it's just an amusement show. The jail is the spirits home. They don't like change. So when you're wrecking their home they're going to be mad. Someone is going to get hurt. People have already been scratched and choked and it's just going to get worse they more they do it. Anyone that knows about ghost hunting should know that. The "Jail of Terror" isn't helping the jail. They're just destroying it and making the spirits mad. So the "Jail of Terror" shouldn't be happening. Let people ghost hunt and enjoy the jail for what it really is. Just not some show. I give the jail a 5 for ghost hunting. But I give the Jail of Terror nothing.

    Posted 1/29/18

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  • lc historic jail

    I work at this jail year round. I am a volunteer for the LCGPS which, oversees and runs the schedule for the seaons activitys. I also am the technition for the haunted attraction at the jail known,"The jail of terror". During the long 2 months of building and designing the haunt I was at the jail for hours always in the evenings and late nights. This being a volunteer position I had been working these late night hours due to having a day job. While working in the dungeon installing fenced wall panels to create a maze, these panels must be drilled into the 130 year old concrete floors which is done by using a hammer drill. These are very loud drills and take a while to drill each hole. So, I had gone and locked myself in the jail simply because I work at the haunt with some people that like to scare! So i locked all the doors into the building from the inside exept the basement door leading to the outside where my truck was parked at the top of the steps. With the unlocked door behind me and the stairs,going up to the main jail in front of me I proceeded to drill holes. Out of the corner of my,eye i see the light from the stairway fade to darkness. I stopped drilling and looked up at the doorway and somthing is blocking all the light from the doorway a mass, not a shadow just a mass that was quivering as it passed the door way. Then as it passed the light from the stairs was shining into the room i was in as it always does. Then, as I thought,about getting up to go in that direction to see what was going on, it came back across the doorway but super fast. So fast that it made a swishing sound as it went by. Almost like a rubberband would sound like if you shot it across a room. At that time Id seen enough,and backed,uo to the basement door turning off all the lights behind me and headed out and up to my truck. To this day i cant ecplaine what I saw. But we have had several experiances in that area of the jail and other areas. Ive always been affraid of this kind of thing but since these things have happened to me Ive kinda lost the scared feeling and become comfortable with knowing there is others around that building that are still hanging around.

    Posted 5/30/16

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    14 out of 16 found this review helpful

  • Awesome!!!!!

    Simply amazing!!!!!

    Posted 2/22/16

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3348 days ago)

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