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Regal Vineyards and Mansion - Madison OH Real Haunts

  • 2678 County Line Rd.
  • Madison, OH
  • (440) 812-4936
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  (2 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Museums
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This historic mansion and vineyard was originally built by immigrants but was left abandoned after a family tragedy. After, the employees began to report a vortex in the building, along with cold spots. A drama student who was leaving class once reported seeing a pale face staring at him from inside the building. The same occurrence has been reported by many ever since.
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  • That place is legit haunted af

    I have experienced multiple paranormal events at this haunt including seeing a ball rolled back uphill to me in the basement, a prop lighting up and moving when it was unplugged, lights turning off and on when the house was empty and locked with the alarms on, a figure moving between both bathroom windows upstairs right through a wall dividing them, and hands touching my back against a wall of an empty room. Lakeview paranormal literally ran out of there and left without filming anything . Lol it's haunted, I've done tarot there. Only two main spirits that I've encountered , a playful mischievous young boy that drowned out back, ad an older female entity that is definitely not friendly. Others have seen several other apparitions and relayed their stories to me. One employee ran out and wouldn't cross back to the same side of the road while waiting for her ride. She Insisted something whispered in her ear while she was inside a coffin and touched her ear. Upstairs has a heavy energy and the strongest paranormal activity. . Ground floor is okay, basement is peaceful but active. Good luck exploring!

    Posted 11/5/23

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  • Awsome

    I felt really dizzy and nauseous half way through

    Posted 2/10/16

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Contact Phone #: (440) 812-4936

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3310 days ago)

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