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A Georgian Manner Bed and Breakfast - Real Haunt in Logan OH

  • 29055 Evans Road
  • Logan, OH
  • 1-800-606-1840
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  (3 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Many guests of this historic inn have reported seeing the apparition of a man believed to be John Engle, who died in 1898. Authorities prosecuted Engle's wife, who they accused of poisoning her husband, but she was later acquitted.
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  • Absolutely haunted

    I stayed at this bed and breakfast years ago for my brother's wedding. I felt uncomfortable as soon as I walked in. All the memorabilia and the decor! All the bedrooms had a theme to them. Finally at bedroom we layed down and I couldn't fall asleep. Of course my husband fell out pretty quickly. It was about 2-3am and I was still awake. Then all of a sudden I see this black figure standing over me from the side of the bed. I couldn't move or scream. It felt like I was in a paralysis state. All I wanted to do was call out to my husband and to wake him up because I couldn't believe what was happening. This black figure lunged at me to try to scare me and then disappeared. As soon as he disappeared I could move. I woke up my husband to tell him and he said I was crazy. I wouldn't stay there ever again.

    Posted 7/25/24

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  • I, too, experienced this haunting!!

    My husband and I stayed there once and I had a vivid experience of a man-ghost over me while I was in bed touching me. Ewwwww! It terrified me. I told my husband about it the next morning. At breakfast, I asked the owner about the original home owners. He said the man had been poisoned by his wife because he was a vile womanizer. Then he said what his name was and I “knew” from my night encounter the man was called John!!!!! 100% happened and I NEVER have been on the ghost or haunted bandwagon. I only can say I know fully what happened to me there.

    Posted 7/7/23

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Haunted yes

    woman laughing in the middle of the night man coughing in the middle of the night kitchen was COLD felt a presence

    Posted 4/27/18

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    2 out of 4 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3348 days ago)

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